
Workshops are the ultimate team-building event. Your team will learn new tools and gain insights on each other’s gifts in interactive workshops. You will leave with practical ways to reach your goals and work well together.


How healthy is your team?


Strategy Sprint

Our 90-minute working session for senior management teams is designed to help you work through complexity and inconsistency in your business to create clarity and focus. You will leave with clear objectives and a plan for execution for the next 90 days.


Identify Opportunities

We will collectively brainstorm and discuss opportunities for growth and improvement.

Establish Priorities

Your team will build consensus around your top initiatives and determine where you will focus for the next 90 days.

Execute With Confidence

The team will have clear plans for getting things done and a way to track progress.


The 6 Types of Working Genius

The Working Genius assessment is 20% personality and 80% productivity. People who understand their genius show up to work happier, are more effective, and play well with others.

Working with a Working Genius Certified Facilitator can transform work for people by helping them:

Understand why they have been successful or unsuccessful in past endeavors

Clarify which types of work give joy and energy and which types are draining and difficult

Avoid making unfair and inaccurate judgments about one another’s motivation

Alleviate guilt about struggles people have with certain types of work

Improve dialogue and directives in team meetings

Make quick and concrete adjustments to roles and responsibilities to better tap into one another’s strengths, and avoid one another’s weaknesses

Get more done in less time

© Copyright 2024 The Table Group, Inc.


Simplified Strategic Planning

This workshop is designed to give business leaders an understanding of why strategic plans may fail, tools to improve execution, and a roadmap for creating your own strategic plan. You will leave with your own personal plan unique for your business.

The group will discover how to:

Create a magnetic vision for who you are, why you exist, and where you are going

Bridge the gap between strategy and execution

Ensure accountability and progress toward your objectives

Ready to take your first step towards breaking through to a new level of performance?

Then let’s hop on a call and see if System & Soul is right for you.