Lessons from a reality show

Lessons from a reality show

I’ll admit I’m a fan of survival reality shows like Survivorman and Naked and Afraid.  These shows are entertaining to watch and you can learn lessons from reality shows too.  I find The History Channel’s Alone to be one of the more engaging ones.  The contestants...
Why?  Why not?

Why? Why not?

These may be the two most important – and least-asked – questions.  “Why?” makes you think about purpose.  “Why not?” opens you up to new possibilities. Let’s start with why. The answer to this question identifies the reason behind a decision or an action....
Gain more by giving away

Gain more by giving away

“I’m too busy.” “I don’t have time.” “I have too many priorities fighting for my attention.” Sound familiar? In times where we are expected to do more with less and where immediate isn’t fast enough, we’ve all felt that way. It’s worse when we think we must do it all...
Return on…Resources?

Return on…Resources?

We all know what Return on Investments, or Equity, or Assets are but they may not tell the full story.  You need to get all you can from all your resources.  What is your Return on Resources? Return on Resources??? You started and built your business on an idea, and...